Part 100: December 5 Part 1: XVIII. The Moon

> Today is the day the school was founded, so you have the day off from school. You need to investigate the town. You wonder if you'll be able to gather the information you need to catch the killer...
Here, you have to ask two questions to certain NPCs around town. You only get the second question once you've spoken to this woman here, so we might as well start with her.

Shopping woman: Oh, you have a question for me?

Shopping woman: A little while ago, they said that a suspect had been caught. It was in the newspaper. It was that Namatame-san, right? I remember seeing him around from time to time. Oh, how horrible...It really does frighten me. I don't recall seeing any other strange people, so I'm sure he's the culprit.
> Is it true that there were no other suspicious individuals...? Perhaps you should ask someone else about this...

Shopping woman: Have I seen any other weird people, aside from Namatame-san? Hmm...Uh...Nope, I don't think so.

Loud old man: It'll be so cold on New Years that I'll never be happy! What do you want?

Loud old man: I can't remember something from that long ago!

Loud old man: There isn't anyone like that in this town! I even know you. You're that kid who's staying at Dojima-kun's house!

Gas-masked man: Why am I outside? When I'm at home, I just see more news about the murders. I thought I'd stay out here and watch the sun set. Of course, I'm going to watch TV when I go home anyway...Even then, I can't see the sun set because of all this fog! Ah, I hate it! It's so depressing! Ah, do you have a question?

Gas-masked man: Oh come on, don't make me even more depressed! They said on the news that the suspect had been caught. So that whole thing is over now, right? What else is there?

Gas-masked man: It's a small town. If there was anyone suspicious, there would be rumors going around all over. But at least I haven't heard any news or rumors like that. So I'd say there's no such person.

Businessman: This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing! I asked her for her autograph, and what type of guys she's into. Anyway, what do you want? I'm sure you can see how busy I am.

Businessman: Didn't they capture the suspect and put a lid on that case? Are you done asking questions? Good, now go away. I'm very busy talking to Risette right now.

Businessman: Hmm? No, I don't think I've seen any suspicious people. Except for you, who's interrupting my conversation with Risette!
"I'm just here to let her borrow my shovel. Nothing shady about that."

-Music Box-

-Aria of the Soul-

> Marie returns to her seat, quivering with either rage or embarrassment...

Margaret's last request has a fixed formula.

It includes two familiar faces from earlier requests: Matador and Taotie. Taotie will learn Mind Charge on his own, if you couldn't manage to fuse it onto any of the others.

Sound the trumpets.

> Obtained Spiral Brooch.

-The Path is Open-
Our responsibility to our children is not to pretend that if we don't look, evil will go away...

...but to give them weapons against it.

-Aria of the Soul-

This is where you get the Deep Blue Clothes outfits, if you don't have them already.

Female student: Uh...What are you talking about?
> You explained about the incident involving Saki and Yamano, the female announcer.
Female student: Did all that happen just last spring? Wow, it seems so long ago, haha. Who's gonna remember something from that far back anyway?

Female student: A strange person? Nah, I don't think I've seen any. I mean, this is a pretty small town, wouldn't you say? If I had, I'm pretty sure I'd remember.

Middle-aged woman: That incident last spring? I still wonder what happened...It was a pretty big deal, wasn't it? I'd almost completely forgotten about that...Wow, I must be getting old, huh?

Middle-aged woman: A suspicious person? No, I can't think of anyone...Not from this town, anyway.

Kind man: My wife is all business as usual, but I'm a little worried...By the way, do you need anything?

Kind man: I'm sorry. All I remember is that something happened. I know it was pretty shocking, but what can I say, a lot of time's passed...

Kind man: We've had a lot of people come to our store, but I can't say anyone was particularly suspicious.

Elderly person: Now that you mention it, the town was all abuzz last spring...You remember that, don't you?

Elderly person: Have I seen a strange person? I don't know...Out in the country, if there was anybody strange walking around, everyone would know about it right quick.

Female student: Can I help you?
You can stop hiding under the text box, for starters.

Female student: Eh? The incident last spring? I don't remember anything from that long ago! I'm gonna be studying for college entrance exams next year, so I've got no room for useless information like that.
> It doesn't look like you'll find any more information on the incidents last spring...
This line means you've asked "About those murders..." everywhere you need to progress. Halfway done.

Female student: A suspicious person...? Ah, now that you mention it, my friend was saying she saw someone...I think she's just wandering around the shopping district, so why don't you ask her?

Holding out on us!? GET THE HOT POKERS YOSUKE
Female student: Uh...Oh! That! You remember Saki Konishi, don't you? You know, she passed away a while ago...She told me how that Namatame person came to her one day and started spouting all this craziness. Something about the TV...I wonder what that was all about. His relation to Saki? Hey, I know what you're implying, but you've got it all wrong! Saki was a good girl! It's just that people misunderstood her!
> She must be referring to the time when Namatame tried to warn Saki. It seems the thing about Namatame making advances on Saki was a misunderstanding. It doesn't look like you'll find any more information on a suspicious person. You have gathered as much information as you could. You should report back to the group.
> Chinese Diner Aiya...You met up with your friends after you finished gathering information.

> You all finished eating the dishes that you ordered.

> You spoke with everyone about the information you gathered today.

> Just sitting here won't help you think any better...You decide to go outside to get some fresh air.

> There must be something that's been overlooked...It's urgent that you get over the roadblock facing you. The clues you need must already be in your hands...

> You should go over everything you know one more time...The culprit had some sort of connection with both Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. And judging by the warning letters, the culprit most likely knows about the "other side" and what you did there. It's highly likely that they also knew what Namatame was doing and stood back to watch. Who would know all these things...? Another oddity about the case is that there were almost no witnesses. Both warning letters seem to have been delivered directly to your house, but no one saw anything suspicious. No one unusual was seen around Mayumi Yamano or Saki Konishi, either...Despite the police dispatching an unusually high number of officers to perform a thorough investigation. There must be someone in this small town who fits all the facts... who?